Strategic Growth Plans

At Sol, we have authored countless Marketing Plans in partnership with our clients. What we most often find, however, is that they have diminished impact if they are not aligned and clearly connected to the company’s overall Strategic Growth Plan.

You may be asking yourself “What happens if we don’t have a strategic growth plan, but we want to forge ahead with marketing anyway?” The answer is simple: You will execute a series of marketing tactics, without clear line of sight —- or measurements for that matter —- that demonstrate how those tactics, in fact, impact the growth of your business. What’s worse, your marketing department will become a reactive ‘catch-all’ for every communication need and random creative idea that departments across the business come up with!

At Sol, we believe there is a smarter, more savvy way. Put your marketing in the driver’s seat to help your business grow, and collaborate and cascade the Growth Plan you author to all parts of your business! You won’t regret it.


  • Expert planning and strategy

  • Brand identity and employee brand adoption

  • Communications strategy

  • Integrated ‘go-to-market’ planning, including segmentation and market research

  • Customer nurturing and retention strategy

  • Sales and marketing alignment


Specialization 2 - Target Marketing